During this time of year I am reminded of being thankful for so many people who have helped me on my entrepreneurial journey, and our ecosystem at large, paving the way for entrepreneurs to start game-changing companies. As entrepreneurs, we are pulled in many directions to be both tunnel-vision focused on our business while also finding time to connect and give back to the community. First off, thanks to those who help move us forward and for those who understand that sometimes, we can’t fully focus on anything but our company. There are also partners who, by giving, make us force multipliers. They don’t just believe in what we are doing, they enable it by clearing roadblocks that make us better. Two people who come to mind are Jared Ruth and Todd Backus at Cox Business, true partners in the tech community. In this recent video of ecosystem leaders and entrepreneurs, you’ll see some of Cox’s local impact. Thank you!
In this issue, we are also excited to launch a new sub-blog series called Home Brew . We talk a lot about the people, capital, talent, and startup resources like incubators/accelerators, but the real estate , the office space where we all live day in, day out brings people together to build companies and create cultures. Starting with the old home of the Union-Tribune, and now called Ampersand, we’re going to start highlighting great spaces that tech companies call home. It’s where the magic happens.