Home BloomBites The Growth of San Diego Companies for the Past Seven Years – 5/28/19

The Growth of San Diego Companies for the Past Seven Years – 5/28/19

by Neal Bloom
Well, it’s finally here – San Diego Startup Week (SDSW)! In year seven, our startup landscape looks a lot different in San Diego than it did in 2013. Back then, Seismic , a San Diego unicorn, hadn’t raised its first $4.5 million in funding yet, and now the software superstar has raised over $165 million and is doing over $100 million in ARR (annual recurring revenue). Meanwhile, back in 2013, Tealium had only raised $11 million in funding compared to its now $168 million, including a recent $55 million raise . In 2013, startup incubator EvoNexus was still downtown and there was only one downtown coworking space, the now-closed CoMerge. Today, downtown is buzzing with a variety of coworking spaces. Just in the past seven years, San Diego’s companies have matured and the ecosystem has indeed kept pace.
This week, San Diego’s thriving tech ecosystem is all on display as we kick off SDSW with our tech friends in Tijuana on May 28, then we head to the Convention Center (oh yeah that Convention Center ) from May 29 – June 1, Carlsbad on June 2, when we partner up with Innovate78 for a full North County showcase at Make. It’s going to be a blast and there’s content for anyone at any stage in their tech journey – whether you are just starting a company, growing your skills as an employee of a growth stage company, or an investor looking to meet local companies.
And if you slacked and didn’t buy your ticket yet, come give us a hand as a volunteer (like our entire conference organizing team) and we’ll give you a free ticket for the week. And come find me for a high five! #SDSW19
Big props to the amazing team of Startup Week volunteers who have been working tirelessly for six months to bring this incredible event to the community. Not many people will see all the fruits of your labor, but know that the ecosystem is grateful.

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