Home BloomBites Bloombites: San Diego’s Digital Grocery Industry | 6/30/20

Bloombites: San Diego’s Digital Grocery Industry | 6/30/20

by Neal Bloom
As consumers continue to stock their pantries by browsing online during the ongoing pandemic, San Diego tech companies have been building the technology powering today’s digital grocery industry. This is enabling millions of people to live a little easier during Covid-19. At the enterprise level, UTC-based Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods engineering teams build the technology that makes online ordering, routing, and delivery happen. WalmartLabs’ Carlsbad team also creates tech to enable grocery delivery, in-store pick up, and a multitude of tools for the retail giant. Downtown-based Mercato enables independent grocery stores to digitize their inventory for online ordering and delivery. And Sorrento Valley’s Modal AI has even worked with Uber Eats for drone delivery of McDonald’s! As you can see, San Diego is heavily contributing to opening access to food during these strange times and it’s great to know our local talent can make such an impact.


Meanwhile, if you saw Mike Freeman’s U-T article about ClickUp raising $35M, you may have been as shocked as others how you didn’t know that the company was in San Diego. This is another SF company that has moved to SD and we’re excited to have them. Congrats to the team on their growth and a great product; the Fresh Brewed Tech team uses ClickUp heavily for project management. ClickUp is hiring, by the way.



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