A lot of tech workers continue to move to the San Diego area and we’re happy to have them. Because of this, we’ve started a monthly welcome chat using local startup Waitroom’s video technology. Join us on July 1 at 12pm for our next chat. You can rewatch the recent chat here as well.
Do you know a young female leader ages 12-20? Invite her to Entrepreneur Organizations’ SD Young Female Founders Summit on June 23 from 1-4:30pm at SDSU!
As our companies continue to get funded, the growth plans get enacted, like hiring internal and external help. We chatted with our partners at Cox to put together a post-funding plan that you can hear on this week’s podcast and in the blog as well. Listen/read here.
And lastly join us on June 28 for Dev and Data Night for a multitude of ways to network with both technical leadership, developers, and data scientists in the San Diego tech community.