Home BloomBites Bloombites | June 23, 2022

Bloombites | June 23, 2022

by Neal Bloom

It’s been another wild year so far globally which has trickled down to the startup and tech world, namely the war in Ukraine, stock market drops, supply chain hold ups, and inflation. But San Diego is still holding up pretty well, especially by measure of private startup investments.

While 2021 will stand out as a highwater year for investments for years to come (see our 2021 report here), with the first half of 2022 almost complete, we’re seeing $2.77 billion in startup investments so far.

That being said, $1.51 billion of that is solely from 8 companies raising large $100+ million rounds, including Resilience’s $625 million for their contract biotech manufacturing scale up, which brings them to $2 billion raised to date.

While there are still funds being invested, the macroeconomic inputs are definitely causing companies to brace themselves for a potential downturn so you are seeing layoffs globally. But our companies are largely still hiring, so if you know someone who is looking for a new role, let us know how we can help connect them.

And tell them to come to our upcoming Dev and Data Night on June 28 or our Welcome to San Diego Tech Community Chat on July 1.


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