October?? Already? Does every week get busier and busier for you too? Well this week is exceptionally busy in a fun way. IT’S THE START OF SAN DIEGO STARTUP MONTH, #SDSM2020! In its 8th year, San Diego Startup Week has come a long way. From the quality of the speakers, the maturity of the startups, the breadth of skills-based content, and now this year, all virtual, and an entire month. The team has been working exhaustedly behind the scenes and are eager for you to join in. Grab a ticket using our discount code TACOPOD30 and we’ll see you at the Opening Night Kickoff on October 1 at 4 p.m. Opening night will be a lot of fun, inviting attendees to create their own avatar in a true virtual and interactive experience. Check out my guide on how to make the most of the month.
Speaking of some things to look forward to during #SDSM2020, we chat with Ryan Kuder of Techstars on this week’s podcast about his involvement in both Opening Night, the month-long incubator, and the benefits of a startup accelerator program. Applications to join the SDSM Incubator are due September 30. Also for the Techstars Anywhere accelerator, applications are due October 11.
Speaking of startups, as UCSD gets ready to begin a new quarter, our TritonTech writer Sonam Jain has a new piece out about Mercury Health. Check it out and help cheer on our local entrepreneurs by sharing the content.
Follow @FreshBrewedTech on Twitter for daily SD tech news.